Pushing the Boundaries for Pride: Embracing Fluidity, Expression, and Experimentation

Imagine a world where interior design knows no boundaries—a world where spaces become vibrant canvases for self-expression and exploration. In this realm, we have the power to shape our surroundings, celebrate our identities and embrace diversity. Interior design is not confined by rigid norms or predefined categories; rather, it thrives as a dynamic and ever-evolving field, where pride is woven into every creation. It is about creating spaces that authentically reflect who we are and radiate a sense of belonging. A lot of what show home design is really about. So let’s delve into the show homes and how they beautifully embody these principles of pride and self-expression.

Bold and Neutral Hues
< Pinks and Blues


Colours have the remarkable ability to evoke emotions and shape our perceptions of a space. By incorporating a diverse range of hues beyond the typical pink or blue, designers create a rich palette that resonates with individuals of all gender identities. This exploration of bold and vibrant colours goes beyond aesthetics; it taps into the psychological impact of colour and its ability to evoke emotions, fostering a sense of empowerment, and creating environments that emit intrigue and resonate with individuals of all gender identities. Additionally, the use of neutral tones can also transcend gender stereotypes and allows for a more nuanced and fluid interpretation of space.


Art, the Language of Expression and Emotion



Understanding the psychological impact of art, accessories, and decor, designers curate a diverse range of elements that challenge gender stereotypes and celebrate inclusivity. By showcasing art that explores gender identities, incorporating elements from various cultures, and featuring artwork that celebrates diversity, an environment is created that fosters dialogue, self-reflection, and a sense of belonging. The choice of accessories and decor plays a significant role in challenging traditional notions of gender and expanding the boundaries of expression within a space.


Fluidity in Furniture Design


Deconstructing stereotypical spaces often involves rethinking furniture choices and layouts. Defying gender expectations through selective furniture pieces such as incorporating curvaceous and sculptural forms in traditionally masculine areas and introducing angular and structured designs in traditionally feminine spaces. This deliberate fusion of aesthetics can create a sense of balance, harmony, and fluidity within the space, promoting a positive and empowering experience for individuals. Flexible and modular furniture arrangements further enhance customization and adaptability, enabling individuals to shape their spaces according to their preferences.

Styling can speak volumes


Styling can be a means of identification and self-expression, an ethos which transcends from our design studio all the way to installation. We are dedicated to blurring the boundaries in interior design, pushing the limits, and embracing a more inclusive approach. Through our work, we challenge traditional gender associations and stereotypes by carefully selecting colours and materials that defy norms. Exploring a wide spectrum of hues, we incorporate bold and vibrant colours that resonate with diverse individuals. Our choice of materials goes beyond traditional expectations, incorporating soft and plush textures in spaces traditionally associated with masculinity, and industrial elements in spaces traditionally associated with femininity.


Chasing Colours: Mastering the Art of Bold Hues in Interior Design


Inspiration Behind The Design: Story Homes